Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Five months already!

Dear Charlotte,

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while, but you keep me on my toes! You are snuggler that loves to be held and if I have to put you down you give me this hurt look and start crying giant tears. It breaks my heart. Sometimes I just sit with you on the couch and watch you sleeping. It is the sweetest and most calm thing and I wish I could bottle it and take a daily dose for the rest of my life.

At five months you giggle out of control, smile, roll from front back, reach for me and things, and are still not sleeping through the night. Often you are up three or four times and I just have to hold you until you can get back to sleep. The strange thing is that people ask if you sleep through the night and give me sad looks when I say no, but I don't really mind it. I don't really mind anything because I know it won't last. I know soon you will be able to crawl away from me and then hobble, then run and soon you won't want me to hold you while you sleep or tickle your little toes. You will want to run full force into life and leave me behind. So when I get up in the middle of the night I just hold you a little tighter. I don't want to let you go. I just want to hold on to you forever.

These past five months haven't been easy but they have been so special to me. I am blessed to have a sweet little baby that loves me more than anything. I know it won't last but I'll keep these little bits of you in my heart forever.

Love you,

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