Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Baby Snuggles & Girl Night

Dear Charlotte,

Yesterday we cuddled on the couch and it occurred to me that you will one day grow up and not want to cuddle. You are a little cuddle bug and love to fall asleep in the crook of my arm. You snuggle right up and then you are gone to dream land. I love it so much and I hope that this phase lasts longer with you than it did with your sister.

Yesterday was also your very first Cooking Club with my girlfriends. I hosted at our house because I wasn't sure how you would do with having to be up later than normal. I sat you in the car seat in the kitchen so you could see us and you sat there for two hours smiling and kicking your feet happy as can be! It was like you knew it was a Girl's Night and you were enjoying the entire experience. You are just the happiest little baby and everyone kept commenting on how sweet and calm you were the entire time!

I'm so happy that you are happy!

Love you!

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