Thursday, May 15, 2014


Dear Charlotte,

Ella didn't get teeth until close to one year. As is holding true about you, you are bound and determined to be different! You got teeth at five months! That's right! You cut your first tooth at five months and shortly after another one popped up. I am going to be honest, you hate teething. You were a little grump for weeks before and we weren't sure what was going on! You took us by surprise when you chomped on my finger at dinner one day and there it was! The most sweet little pearly tooth poking out.

You love to chew and slobber and your newest thing is to scream like a pterodactyl.  Daddy calls you Terry because of it. Your have a very sweet personality, but also love to cry and scream when you aren't happy. Very emotional! You smile and giggle and your favorite person in the whole world is Ella. You light up when she comes near you and it is the sweetest thing I have ever seen. I hope as you grow you both continue to love each other as much as you do at this very moment. I never had a sister and seeing the two of you makes me realize just how much I missed out on. Ella calls you "my baby" and kisses you and hugs you every morning when you get up.

You are my sweet baby and each day you remind me of just how much I love you. It is like you shine when you smile and it melts my heart. Now if you could learn to sleep...

Love you,